Food Preparation
Harmful bacteria build up rapidly in areas where exposed raw meats are handled and prepared.
Whilst thorough and stringent cleans are required before and after preparation, a possible invisible threat could be undetected.
The Nocospray 2 will eliminate 99.99% of all bacteria within 90-minutes. The removal of electrical equipment or utensils is not required as the vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide is completely biodegradable and environmentally friendly.

Care Homes & Care at Home
The elderly are fragile and susceptible to the slightest infection or common cold.
The severity of any build-up of bacteria, virus or infection could be fatal. At SFS Protect, high standards of hygiene protection are paramount throughout all communal areas.
Patient and residential accommodation can be protected within 90 minutes. Minimum disruption, maximum sanitisation.

Education and Student Accommodation
Well, children are happy children… Happy children are happy parents
A healthy clean environment promotes wellbeing which ultimately means less absenteeism for children, students and staff.
Without the removal of classroom equipment or electronic apparatus, the Nocospray 2 will sanitise quickly and efficiently

A common cold can spread within seconds… from shared equipment to stationery. Absenteeism costs companies thousands of unreclaimed revenue every year.
With regular Nocospray 2 sanitisation, SFS will protect any

Helping the sick and needy, either humans or animals, infection, bacteria and disease is a daily constant.
From immediate outbreaks requiring curative treatment or with an effective preventative management system can be modified by us at SFS Protect.
SFS Protect are here to help your business and home against harmful bacteria without costly downtime.